New to DVD and BluRay Dec. 6th, The Help is one for the collection.
Based on a bestselling novel by Kathryn Stockett, The Help reveals a world very rarely tapped into. It shows the side of African American maids and they’re experiences working for White employers.
It’s a heartwarming tale that allows you to understand the strength that these maids had to have in order to endure the disrespect and agony of being looked-over people. The point of the movie is to show how one inspiring young author and two brave maids ventured into a novel writing project that flourished into a emotional roller coaster of real-life accounts.
Starring Viola Davis, Emma Stone, and Octavia Spencer this stellar cast conveyed pain, sorrow, humility and joy worthy of Oscar recognition.
Although the film is fictional, it feels like biographical accounts that have been passed down from generation to generation. The Help definitely brings out real emotions. Grab this dvd, watch it with others and open up a discussion on passed times, racial divides and the hardships of others.
Truth Comes Out in The Help
By Wendy Simmons