Simmons and Stan Lathan, the duo that created the genre-defining comedy show “Def Comedy Jam” and the previous Comedy Central hit “Russell Simmons Presents Stand-Up At El Rey,” have once again joined forces for the stand-up series “Russell Simmons Presents The Ruckus.” Each episode features the ever-talented Smoove and new material from a mix of rising stars and long time favorite comics, with music by DJ Cassidy. As a new added bonus, viewers will also see Smoove at his best – performing in filmed sketches woven into each episode. Other comics appearing in the series filmed at the Edison Ballroom in New York City include: David Arnold, Mike Britt, Capone, Dov Davidoff, Nore Davis, Earthquake, Ian Edwards, Damn Fool, Kareem Green, Tiffany Haddish, Leslie Jones, Damien Lemon, Tony Roberts, Tony Rock, Owen Smith, Chris Spencer, Rob Stapleton, and Wil Sylvince.
Executive producers are Simmons and Lathan, Lathan directed the series, Colored TV produced the series and JoAnn Grigioni is the Executive In Charge Of Production for Comedy Central. will be the digital home for “Russell Simmons Presents The Ruckus.” The site will feature previews from upcoming episodes, highlights and sketches from past episodes as well as an exclusive digital series of video interviews of the cast members hosted by Tony Rock. will be the go-to-guide for information on Smoove, all of the featured comics and the series.
Previously, Smoove was the host of “Russell Simmons Presents Stand-Up at the El Rey” and on Saturday, January 21 Smoove’s first one-hour Comedy Central original stand-up special, “JB Smoove: That’s How I Dooz It” will premiere at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT. He has also expanded his comedy footprint with the launch of, a comedy based website focused on original and branded comedy content.